What are the job opportunities for Chemical Engineers? 

The chemical engineers can work in manufacturing production, chemical plant and systemoperator, food and beverages industries, pharmaceutical industries, energy and environment, chemical industries, refinery and gas processing, nuclear plant, cosmetic, analysis and quality control labs, and chemical engineer consultant at any factory.

Representative Job Titles and Area of Specialization

Places of Employment

Nature of the Work

Chemical Engineers find efficient, economical and effective ways of solving problems. As a Chemical Engineering major, you might be involved in improving food processing techniques, making synthetic fibres for clothes, developing methods to produce drugs or controlling environmental problems. Job descriptions of many of the job titles listed above may be found on


Many positions in Chemical Engineering may be obtained with a bachelor's degree, depending on the type of coursework you completed and experience you gained as an undergrad.

Some positions in research and management require a master's degree.

If you are considering a career in teaching and research at the university level, you will need a Ph.D.

Lifelong Learning