Mechatronic and Robotics Engineering

B.Sc. in Mechatronic and Robotics Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Mechatronic and Robotics Engineering is an undergraduate degree program that is combination of fundamental electronic, mechanics, electrical, and automation in order to design of "intelligent" systems and products in which mechanization and control requiring sensing, actuation, and computation are combined to achieve improved product quality and performance. The intelligent systems such as robots, as well as modern intelligent airplanes, automobiles, defense systems, assistive devices, and a wide variety of other systems, even those that are not as obvious, such as appliances and game and entertainment systems. Modern technological advancements have been able to harness the innovations occurring in a variety of disciplines into designing efficient systems. This program is designed to train undergraduates to be innovative in this multidisciplinary world.

Nzar Shakr Piro

Mr Nzar Shakr Piro (B.Sc., M.Sc.) is a lecturer and coordinator at the Engineering Faculty (FENG). In 2010, he received his B.Sc. Electrical Engineering from Salahaddin University (SU)/Erbil. In 2012, he received a fully financed scholarship from KRG through the HCDP programme for an M.Sc. from the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Newcastle University in the UK in 2014. He is currently a PhD candidate in the field of 

Job opportunities

Job opportunities in Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering are diverse and promising, offering graduates a dynamic and ever-evolving career landscape. With their interdisciplinary skill set encompassing mechanical, electrical, and computer engineering, these professionals are in high demand across industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, automotive, aerospace, and more. They play pivotal roles as Robotics Engineers, Automation Engineers, Control Systems Engineers, and AI/Machine Learning Engineers, contributing to the development of cutting-edge technologies and automation solutions. As the world continues to embrace robotics and automation for improved efficiency and innovation, Mechatronics and Robotics Engineers are at the forefront of shaping the future, making this field an exciting and rewarding choice for aspiring engineers.

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Become Professional

Becoming a professional in Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering is a rewarding path marked by innovation and problem-solving. Starting with a strong educational foundation in related fields, individuals embark on a journey to acquire technical skills in mechanics, electronics, and programming while nurturing a deep understanding of control systems and automation. Practical experience through internships and personal projects hones these skills, while networking and industry involvement keep professionals abreast of the latest advancements. Aspiring engineers build a portfolio that reflects their competence, continuously update their knowledge through certifications and workshops, and exhibit soft skills like teamwork and adaptability. With a commitment to ethical and responsible engineering, professionals in Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering become architects of the future, shaping industries and pushing the boundaries of technology to create innovative solutions that benefit society.

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