
Critical reading and writing

This course will help First Year Engineering students to grow essential English vocabulary, communication and grammatical structures so that they can successfully make conversations and understand English well. Also, the participants will develop writing and listening skills that will enable them to apply those skills in different areas of life. The students will depend on some extra sources to make it more fun. The main focus will be on the learner’s four skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing: Skimming for main ideas and scan for details/key words, Developing reading speed, Building academic vocabulary, Summarizing and paraphrase information in a text, Separate facts from opinions, Writing a paragraph with a topic sentence, support, and concluding sentence, Understanding coherence and cohesion and using them in their writing.

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                                           Credit Hours

LEC                                                                                                                                                                                             6 ECTS

Notes                                                        Monday (G.A): 10:30 -12:30 F13                  (G.B) 12:30 -14:30  F14         (G.C): 8:30 -10:30  F17   

                                                                       Wednesday (G.A) :8:30 -10:30 F14             (G.B): 10:30-12:30  F17         (G.C): 12:30 -14:30 F13                                          


Academic debate

This intensive course focuses on improving students’ communicative and academic study skills. The module is designed to first year university students as a systematic study of critical thinking skills. It is crucial to students for enhancing their own reasoning skills as those who are progressing to higher level of academic study. It aims at raising awareness of students to know how debates are made up in written and spoken language. Furthermore, this course will provide useful general information about scientific debate and it has linked to the key citations and forms.

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                                                               Credit Hours

LEC                                                       M.Halmat  M.Shirin                                                                                                               6 ECTS

Notes                                                       Monday (G.A) 10:30 - 12:30    F 13                           (G.B)12:30-14:30   F 14                            (G.C) 8:30 - 10:30  F17

                                                                    Wednesday (G.A) 8:30 - 10:30   F 14                      (G.B) 10:30-12:30   F17                             (G.A) 12:30 -14:30  F 13                                           


Enginnering math

Type                                                   Time/Place and Instructor                                             Credit Hours

LEC                                                     M. Aref                                                                                                  6 ECTS

Notes                                                    Monday 11:30 - 13:30            Wednsday 10:30 - 120:30      S 15 & S13                                                                                                                 



Types of functions (trigonometric; inverse trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, exponential functions, transcendental functions, other types of functions, graph of functions); Differentiation (explicit and implicit; application of derivatives in graphing); Integrals (integrals as a summation of areas; definite integrals, applications of definite integrals, areas and volumes; techniques of integration); determinants and matrices, conical section; Introduction to polar coordinates.

Type                                             Time/Place and Instructor                                                            Credit Hours

LEC                                             Dr. Mahfoz    Ms. Shawnm                                                                         6 ECTS

Notes                                           Monday (G.A):8:30-10:30 F13                      (G.B)10:30-12:30 F14         (G.C):12:30-14:30 F17   

                                                           Wednesday (G.A):12:30-14:30 F14          (G.B):8:30-10:30 F14            (G.C):10:30-12:30 F17


Fundamental of Chemical Engineerong

The primary objective of this course is to teach the students how to systematically formulate and solve material balance problems. More important, you should learn to systematically formulate and solve all types of problems using the methods presented in this text. In addition, this text serves to introduce you to the breadth of processes that chemical engineers work with, from the types of processes found in the refining and chemical industries to those found in bioengineering, nanoengineering, and themicroelectronics industries. While the analysis used in this book will be based largely on a macroscopic scale (i.e., representing a complex system as a uniform system), your later engineering courses will teach you how to formulate microscopic material and energy balances that can be used to more completely describe these systems. In fact, you will learn in these classes that to formulate a microscopic balance you only have to apply the balances presented in this textbook to a very small volume inside the process of interest.

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                             Credit Hours

LEC                                                       M. Jalal                                                                                                   6 ECTS

Notes                                                       Tuesday 8:30-10:30           Thursday 10:30 -12:30            S14 & F17                                                                                                                


Physical chemistry

The physical chemistry course covered electricity production, electrolytic conductance, faraday law - application of electrolytic conductivity Electrochemistry, Types of chemical reactions with the application, criteria of catalysis – Homogeneous catalysis, the energetic introduction to phase equilibria; Phase equilibria involving two-component systems.

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                                           Credit Hours

LEC                                                        M. Avan                                                                                                                6 ECTS

Notes                                                        Tuseday  10:30 -12:30             Thursday 8:30 -10:30                   S14 & F16                                           

Eng Drawing (AutoCAD)

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                             Credit Hours

LEC                                                                                                                                                                              6 ECTS

Notes                                                     Tuesday  12:30 - 14:30        Drawing hall                                                                                                                


Enginnering material properties

To introduce, Types of engineering materials. Atomic bonding. Bond lengths and angles. Crystal structure. Miller indices. Atomic packing Factor-Rules for diffracting planes in crystals. Mechanical properties: Tensile, hardness and impact tests. Fracture toughness. Fatigue cycles and crack propagation. Creep and stress rupture. Defects in solids. Corrosion rates and corrosion protection. Guidelines for selection of materials of construction.

Type                                                           Time/Place and Instructor                                             Credit Hours

LEC                                                           M. Shagull                                                                                            6 ECTS

Notes                                                           Monday 13:30 - 15:30            Wednsday 12:30 - 14:30      S 14                                                                                                            


Petroleum products Properties

Type                                                           Time/Place and Instructor                                             Credit Hours

LEC                                                          M. Narin                                                                                                 6 ECTS

Notes                                                          Monday 8:30 - 10:30            Wednsday8:30 - 10:30      F 17 & S14                                                                                                             


Transport phenome

Type                                                         Time/Place and Instructor                                             Credit Hours

LEC                                                          Dr. Hameed                                                                                           6 ECTS

Notes                                                          Sunday 8:30 - 10:30        Tuesday 12:30 - 14:30          F 17                                                                                                                 


Eng. Economics

Design, which is the heart of engineering, is integrated through various project activities. Non-technical modules introduce students to methodologies of business and management. By providing graduates with a combination of broad-based fundamentals and specialized knowledge, the ISE Department strives to graduate versatile engineers who would be best positioned to lead in a rapidly changing and increasingly knowledge- based economy.

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                         Credit Hours

LEC                                                         M. Jalal                                                                                                   6 ECTS

Notes                                                        Tuesday  10:30 - 12:30            Thursday 8:30 - 10:30           S 14   F17                                                                                                                


Eng. Analysis

Mathematical analysis with emphasis on solution techniques and engineering applications. The model of the processes in terms of differential or ordinary equations, and interpretation the solutions is the goal of this course. This course covers engineering analysis for the chemical engineering systems using -for solution - the ordinary partial differential equations, Laplace transformations, Fourier series, Sturm-Liouville problems and partial differential.

Type                                                           Time/Place and Instructor                                             Credit Hours

LEC                                                          M. Hamin                                                                                              6 ECTS

Notes                                                          Sunday 10:30 - 12:30           Thursday 10:30 - 12:30          S14 & F16                                                                                                                 

Lab phenome

Type                                                         Time/Place and Instructor                                                                               Credit Hours

LEC                                                         D. Hamed    M. Maryam    M. Wedad    M. Arazoo                                                 6 ECTS

Notes                                                         Tuesday 8:30 - 10:30            Thursday 12:30 - 14:30      Fluid lab                                      


Chemical Industries

Type                                                         Time/Place and Instructor                                                             Credit Hours

LEC                                                         M. Shagul    M. Avan      M. Narin                                                              6 ECTS

Notes                                                       Thursday 10:30 -12:00            12:30 - 14:30                  S 14                             


Heat Transfer

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                         Credit Hours

LEC                                                        M. Khadejah                                                                                        6 ECTS

Notes                                                      Sunday  12:30 - 14:30                 Tuesday  10:30 - 11:30          F 16         F17                                                                                                              



Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                         Credit Hours

LEC                                                        M. Shahla                                                                                                 6 ECTS

Notes                                                      Sunday  8:30 - 10:30                   Tuesday 8:30 - 10:30           F 16                                                                                                           


Petroleum Refinery Enginnering

This course covers unsteady state heat conduction, convection heat transfer, and application of heat transfer. Unsteady state conduction includes to calculating temperature by time and multiply dimensions. Syllabus of convection heat transfer are laminar and turbulent heat convention over the flat plate and tube. Application of heat transfer in heat exchanger (HE) includes type of HE, condition, and calculation required data such as area, temperature, effectiveness, and number of transfer units (NTU).

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                         Credit Hours

LEC                                                        M. Avan                                                                                      6 ECTS

Notes                                                    Monday  10:30 - 12:30              Wednsday 12:30 - 14:30         F 17       F 16                                     


Seperation processes

The course covers theoretical course with some practical laboratory work. The theoretical course handles the separation processes with applications of distillation, absorption, extraction, humidification, and cooling. The laboratory experiments are part of the basic process laboratory.

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                         Credit Hours

LEC                                                        Dr. Badeia                                                                                          6 ECTS

Notes                                                      Sunday  10:30 - 12:30                  Wednsday 8:30 - 10:30           F 17    F 17                                                                                                               


Petrochemical industries

petrochemical processes, the necessity of converting oil, gas, and its derivatives into valuable petrochemical products, basic process operations & process operating conditions

and also their feedstocks and products. The objectives of the petrochemical industry course are Heavy chemical industries such as sulphuric acid, soda ash, caustic soda, industrial gases, fertilizer, cement, lime, gypsum, glass, vegetable and animal fats and oils, soaps and detergents, fermentation industries, pharmaceuticals industry and petrochemical industries. In each section, students are acquainted with the challenges and opportunities in the field of production of each petrochemical product and use their scientific and professional knowledge and creative thinking to provide solutions to increase process efficiency and high-quality products. This course provides a good opportunity to prepare students' mind for establishing small and early-yield production workshops based on local requirements.

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                         Credit Hours

LEC                                                        M. Shagull                                                                                       6 ECTS

Notes                                                    Monday  8:30 - 10:30              Wednsday 10:30 - 12:30         F16       S 14                                        

Heat Lab

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                                                                                    Credit Hours

LEC                                                       M. KHadija      M. Maryam    M. Wedad      M. Arazoo                                                              6 ECTS

Notes                                                   Monday G.A  12:30 -14:30                  Tuesday G.B 12:30 - 14:30                               lab                                  


Process Dynamics control

Type                                                         Time/Place and Instructor                             Credit Hours

LEC                                                         Dr. Badeia                                                                          6 ECTS

Notes                                                         Monday  8:30 -10:30               Wednsday  8:30 - 10:30                           S 14      F16                              


Equipment Design +HYSIS

This course covers concepts of equipment design such as Design information, Equipment Structure, basic Equipment operations & Equipment operating conditions are covered. The syllabus includes the Design of shell and tube heat exchanger, condenser, distillation, and packing column considered.

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                             Credit Hours

LEC                                                       M. KHadija                                                                             6 ECTS

Notes                                                       Monday  12:30 -14:30                  Tuesday  8:30 - 10:30  12:30 -14:30                             F 16         F 17                                 


Natural Gas processing

This course is concerned with the design (sizing) of the various types of chemical reactor s that are commonly used in chemical processing. The numerous models or design equations for the different reactors together with the various restrictions and conditions under which each equation applies are put together to size a reactor in order to achieve a production goal. The main focus is on reactors that are operated isothermally and adiabatically as well as non-isothermally and non-adiabatically. Catalysis, the occurrence and use of catalysts, in reactions, is described and its contribution towards increasing product yield and selectivity from reactors is highlighted. To impart the basic concepts of chemical reaction engineering.

Type                                                         Time/Place and Instructor                             Credit Hours

LEC                                                         M. Narin                                                                       6 ECTS

Notes                                                         Monday  10:30 -12:30               Wednsday  10:30 - 120:30                             F16         F16                              


Rractor design

This course is concerned with the design (sizing) of the various types of chemical reactor s that are commonly used in chemical processing. The numerous model or design

equations for the different reactors together with the various restrictions and conditions under which each equation applies are put together to size a reactor in order to achieve a

production goal. The main focus is on reactors that are operated isothermally and adiabatically as well as non-isothermally and non-adiabatically. Catalysis, the occurrence

and use of catalysts, in reactions, is described and its contribution towards increasing product yield and selectivity from reactors is highlighted. To impart the basic concepts of chemical reaction engineering

Type                                                         Time/Place and Instructor                             Credit Hours

LEC                                                         Dr. Hamid                                                                             6 ECTS

Notes                                                         Tuesday  10:30 -12:30                Thursday  8:30 - 10:30                             F 17     S 14                                

plant Design project (3G)

Type                                                         Time/Place and Instructor                                                 Credit Hours

LEC                                                         Hameed, Badeea, Khadeja                                                              6 ECTS

Notes                                                         Sunday 10:30 -12:00               Monday  12:30 - 14:30              Wednsday  11:30 - 14:30         office