Engineering Mathematics
In this module students learn integral calculus and its applications to solve problems reveal in engineering e.g. length, area, work, volume, mass center and etc. After this course, students will be familiar with solving some engineering problems using numerical integral methods. Also they study multivariable functions to model and analayse engineering problems. Students learn partial differential and how to apply it to theengineering problems find optimum solution. Linear algebra including modeling problems in terms of matrices and system of linear equations and methods of their solutions is another topic will be taught in this module. Finally, students learn about gradient, Laplacian, curl and vector fields.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Mr.Aref 7 ECTS
Notes Sunday 13:00 - 15:00 F13 Wednesday 12:30-14:30 S13
Critical Reading and Writing
This module uses mathematical methods in a form suitable for the solution of engineering problems. Students learn and apply functions in one-variable and their derivatives to model, analyse and solving problems. After this course they will be familiar with modeling engineering problems as functions of one- variable, optimize a problem using differential and using vectors and trigonometry in order to solve engineering problems.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Mr. Hana Miss. Yarivan ECTS 6
Notes Monday (G.A):12:30 -14:30 F13 (G.B):08:30-10:30 F14 (G.C):10:30-12:30 F17
Wednesday (G.A):10:30-12:30 F13 (G.B):12:30-14:30 F14 (G.C):08:30-10:30 F17
General Physics
This course is designed to provide students with principles of mechanics to enable a better understanding of physical phenomena, such as the kinematics and dynamics of point masses and solid bodies. Students will acquire the capacity to quantitatively analyze these effects with the appropriate theoretical tools.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Mr. Yousif Miss. Tawerz ECTS 6
Notes Tuesday 10:30 -13:30 F13
Academic debate
This intensive course focuses on improving students’ communicative and academic study skills. The module is designed to first year university students as a systematic study of critical thinking skills. It is crucial to students for enhancing their own reasoning skills as those who are progressing to higher level of academic study. It aims at raising awareness of students to know how debates are made up in written and spoken language. Furthermore, this course will provide useful general information about scientific debate and it has linked to the key citations and forms.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC M.Halmat M.Shirin 6 ECTS
Notes Monday (G.A):10:30 -12:30 F13 (G.B):12:30 -14:30 F14 (G.C):08:30-10:30 F17
Wednesday (G.A):08:30-10:30 F13 (G.B):10:30 -12:30 F14 (G.C):12:30-14:30 F17
This module uses mathematical methods in a form suitable for the solution of engineering problems. Students learn and apply functions in one-variable and their derivatives to model, analyse and solving problems. After this course they will be familiar with modeling engineering problems as functions of one- variable, optimize a problem using differential and using vectors and trigonometry in order to solve engineering problems.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Dr. Mahfoz Ms. Shawnm 6 ECTS
Notes Monday (G.A): 08:30 -10:30 F13 (G.B):10:30-12:30 F14 (G.C):12:30-14:30 F17
Wednesday (G.A):12:30-14:30 F13 (G.B):08:30-10:30 F14 (G.C):10:30-12:30 F17
Civil Engineering Graphics (CAD Drawing)
The course introduces the basics and principles of technical drawings, create and interpret engineering drawing, enhance the communication of engineering drawings and product design and explore the Auto- CAD programme to the students accurately.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Dr. Mohammad Mr. Zana Mr. Shvan Mr.Sirwan Mr. Ari 6 ECTS
Notes Sunday 8:30 -11:30 Lecture (G.A):11:30 -13:30 Practise
Thursday (G.B):08:30 -10:30 (G.C):10:30 -12:30 Computer Lab A & Basement Hall
Probability and Statistics
Civil engineering students are required to take courses in statistics and probability so they are able to apply risk analysis and probability theory to real-life scenarios. This module covers topics such as descriptive statistics, elementary probability, random variables and distributions, mean, variance, regression and analysis of variance. Practical applications and computer analysis are a key element of this module..
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Dr. Mahfouz 5 ECTS
Notes Thursday 11:30 - 15:30 Computer Lab B
Strength of Materials
This course is designed to familiarize students with the mechanical properties of materials. This course is designed to provide future engineers with means of analyses and design of various loads bearing structures or members and analysis and design of a given structure involve the determination of stresses and deformations, linking theoretical concepts to their practical parts that are related to industry (e.g. analyzing materials based on their stress, strain and modulus of elasticity) and also developing collaborative skills to illustrate students’ ability to work in groups negotiate compromise and tolerate others.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Mr. Shwan Mr. Ari 7 ECTS
Notes Monday 08:30 - 11:30 Wednesday 8:30 - 11:30 F12
Fluid Mechanics
This course serves as a quantitative introduction to the principles of fluid mechanics and its applications in engineering problems. The course covers the fundamentals of fluid mechanics, including analyzing forces related to hydro and aerostatics as well as hydro and aerodynamics, fluid flows in closed and open channels, and losses in piping systems. Additional topics to be covered include fluid machinery such as pumps and turbines, measurement of flow, and the design of fluid systems. The Lab offers experiments in fundamental and applied fluid mechanics.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Dr. Hiwa Mr. Shahab 6 ECTS
Notes Sunday (G.A) 8:30-11:00 (G.B):11:00-13:00 F13
Tuesday (G.A):11:30 -13:00 (G.B):13:00 -14:30 (G.C):14:30 -16:00 Fluid Lab F12
Constuction Engineering
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Dr. Aryanfar Mrs. Yarivan 7 ECTS
Notes Tuesday 8:30 - 11:30 S12 Thursday 8:30 - 11:30 Site Visit & F13
This course is designed to familiarize students with the conceptualize Engineering Mechanics (Statics) Fundamental and prepare students for other upcoming modules (Strength of Materials, Structural Analysis, R.C Structures, Steel Structure). This course focuses on linking theoretical concepts to their practical parts that are related to industry (e.g. moment of inertia and analyzing of plane trusses) and developing collaborative skills to illustrate students how to work as a group, how to negotiate, compromise and tolerance in a group.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Mr. Shvan 6 ECTS
Notes Monday 15:00 - 17:30 Wednesday 14:30 - 16:00 F13
Intro. to Environmental Eng. & Science
This module provides an introductory overview to different aspects of environmental engineering. The main aim of this module is to teach undergraduate students the fundamental concepts in environmental engineering dealing with water, air, and land pollution.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Dr. Bangin 5 ECTS
Notes Monday 12:00 - 15:00 F12
Reinforced Concrete
This module provides an introductory overview with means of analyses and design based on WSDM (Working Stress Design Method) and USDM (Ultimate Strength Design Method) Linking theoretical concepts to their practical application. To have an understanding of reinforced concrete section behaviour if the applied load is incrementally increased to its ultimate stage. To distinguish between un-cracked and cracked reinforced concrete section and evaluate their capacity using different methods. To estimate loads and factor them and reduce the nominal strength with a reduction factor. To understand the real difference between analysis and design for strength evaluation or for designing an RC section for a set of forces.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Mr. Shwan Mr. Ari 7 ECTS
Notes Monday 15:00 - 17:30 Wednesday 14:30 - 16:00 F12
Structural Analysis - Indeterminate
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the methods and principles of advanced structural analysis, with emphasis on matrix methods of linear structural analysis, influence line analysis and approximate lateral load analysis and some other methods.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Mr. Yousif 4 ECTS
Notes Sunday 8:30 - 11:30 F12
Hydraulic Engineering
This course is designed to provide students with a quiet enough amount of knowledge about the types, functions and importance of hydraulic structures such as dams and barrages. The criteria of design and analysis for many cases will be covered. The students will be able to read the contour and topo maps which required for design purposes and the forces applied for structures will be calculated and considered in design. The course will lead the students to be able to carry out the design of structures and analyse theresults to check the stability and safety.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Mr. Awat 4 ECTS
Notes Monday 9:30 - 12:30 S15
Transportation and Urban Planning
This module provides an introductory overview to basic knowledge in transportation so that students can understand and be able to solve transportation-related problems and design for highway mode of transportation with a focus on highway safety and traffic flow, transportation planning, forecasting travel demand, traffic volume, and management.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Mr. Rizgar Miss. Baran 7 ECTS
Notes Sunday 11:30 - 15:30 F12 Tuesday 08:30 - 12:30 S15
Soil Mechanics
This course is designed to familiarize students to identify the natural processes occurring on surface of earth, basic understanding of fundamentals of soil behavior and soil classification systems. This course will provide students to able to solve a range of soil related problems, especially those involving water flow. Assess the stability of slopes and knowledge about soil mechanics tests will be covered.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Dr. Ako Miss.Baran 8 ECTS
Notes Tuesday 12:30 - 15:30 S15 Wednesday (G.A) 8:30-10:00 (G.B):10:00 -11:30 geotechnical Lab F13 & Concrete Lab
Soil MechanicsConstruction Management and Economics
This module Introduce the basic and principles of engineering management, identify engineering economy principles, introducing the construction process and delivering process.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Mr. Salar 6 ECTS
Notes Tuesday 10:30 - 14:30 S12
Design of Steel Structures
The main aim of this course is to provide the students an idea of the most common methods used in steel design structures. The course covers the structural design of steel members and connections. Topics include design loads and the structural design of steel beams, columns, tension members and bolted and welded connections.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Dr. Mohammad 6 ECTS
Notes Sunday 12:30 - 14:30 Monday 12:30 - 14:30 S12
Graduation Project
The course focuses on studies of the literature and data collection for the graduation project in a particular area of concentration and under the supervision of one of the department academic members. The course covers directed readings in the literature of civil engineering, introduction to research methods, seminar discussions dealing with special engineering topics of current interest and lab works.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Supervisor 7 ECTS
Notes Monday 8:30 - 10:30 S12 Thursday 8:30-10:30 Teacher Office
Sustainability in Civil Engineering
This module introduces the concept of sustainability in five major areas of civil engineering: structural, environmental, geotechnical, transportation and construction management to the students. The fundamentals of sustainability within the context of civil engineering and three pillars of environment, economic and social issues will be discussed in this module. In particular, the module concentrates on the engineering properties of materials used in the construction of civil engineering projects such as pavements, bridges, buildings, retaining walls from sustainable point of view. The module considers a deep knowledge and understanding of the growing popularity of sustainability and its implications for the practice of engineering, particularly for the built environment.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Dr. Jamal Miss. Tawrez 6 ECTS
Notes Sunday 8:30 - 10:30 S12 Tuesday 8:30 - 10:30 F12
Earthquake Engineering
The course on introduction to earthquake engineering provides the fundamental concepts, principles and application of earthquake engineering in seismic analysis and design of structures. The course begins with the Seismology explaining the causes of occurrence of earthquake and its characterization. The seismic analysis of the structures under earthquake excitation is developed. The structural system modeled as discrete and continuous system. The concept of response spectrum analysis procedure to determine structure response and design earthquake forces is explained.
Type Time/Place and Instructor Credit Hours
LEC Dr. Ako 5 ECTS
Notes Thursdy 11:30 - 15:30 F12