

Types of functions (trigonometric; inverse trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, exponential functions, transcendental functions, other types of functions, graph of functions); Differentiation (explicit and implicit; application of derivatives in graphing); Integrals (integrals as a summation of areas; definite integrals, applications of definite integrals, areas and volumes; techniques of integration); determinants and matrices, conical section; Introduction to polar coordinates.

Type                                           Time/Place and Instructor                                                          Credit Hours

LEC                                           Dr. Mahfoz    Ms. Shawnm                                                                         6 ECTS

Notes                                           Monday (G.A):8:30-10:30 F13                    (G.B)10:30-12:30 F14       (G.C):12:30-14:30 F17   

                                                          Wednesday (G.A):12:30-14:30 F14         (G.B):8:30-10:30 F14         (G.C):10:30-12:30 F17


Critical reading and writing

This course will help First Year Engineering students to grow essential English vocabulary, communication and grammatical structures so that they can successfully make conversations and understand English well. Also, the participants will develop writing and listening skills that will enable them to apply those skills in different areas of life. The students will depend on some extra sources to make it more fun. The main focus will be on the learner’s four skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing: Skimming for main ideas and scan for details/key words, Developing reading speed, Building academic vocabulary, Summarizing and paraphrase information in a text, Separate facts from opinions, Writing a paragraph with a topic sentence, support, and concluding sentence, Understanding coherence and cohesion and using them in their writing.

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                                           Credit Hours

LEC                                                       Mr. Hana Muhiaddin                                                                                                               6 ECTS

Notes                                                        Monday (G.A): 10:30 -12:30 F13                  (G.B) 12:30 -14:30  F14        (G.C): 8:30 -10:30  F17   

                                                                       Wednesday (G.A) :8:30 -10:30 F14             (G.B): 10:30-12:30  F17        (G.C): 12:30 -14:30 F13



Academic debate

This intensive course focuses on improving students’ communicative and academic study skills. The module is designed to first year university students as a systematic study of critical thinking skills. It is crucial to students for enhancing their own reasoning skills as those who are progressing to higher level of academic study. It aims at raising awareness of students to know how debates are made up in written and spoken language. Furthermore, this course will provide useful general information about scientific debate and it has linked to the key citations and forms.

Type                                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                                                                     Credit Hours

LEC                                                       M.Halmat         M.Shirin                                                                                                               6 ECTS

Notes                                                        Monday (G.A):10:30 -12:30  F13                    (G.B):12:30 -14:30  F14                 (G.C):08:30-10:30 F17

                                                                       Wednesday (G.A):08:30-10:30  F13             (G.B):10:30 -12:30  F14                 (G.C):12:30-14:30 F17


Engineering Mechanic - Static+Strength of Materials

Type                                                             Time/Place and Instructor                                                          Credit Hours

LEC                                                             Dr. Nzar                                                                                                             6 ECTS

Notes                                                           Sunday   9:00 - 11:00    Tuesday   10:30 - 12:30    F14        



Electrical Circuits

Type                                                             Time/Place and Instructor                                                          Credit Hours

LEC                                                             Ms. Shirin                                                                                                            6 ECTS

Notes                                                           Sunday  11:00 - 13:00                Thursday 8:30 - 10:30       S17 + Basement (Robotic lab)       



Object Oriented Programming

Type                                                             Time/Place and Instructor                                                          Credit Hours

LEC                                                             Mr. Dosti                                                                                                             6 ECTS

Notes                                                           Tuesday 8:30 - 10:30               Thursday 10:30 - 12:30       S23 ( MRED Computer lab) + S17        



Advanced Programming

Type                                                            Time/Place and Instructor                                                          Credit Hours

LEC                                                             Mr. Arsalan                                                                                                           6 ECTS

Notes                                                             Sunday  13:00 -15:00                 Monday 8:30 -10:30       S23 ( MRED Computer lab) + S17       




Type                                                            Time/Place and Instructor                                                          Credit Hours

LEC                                                             Dr. Ghader                                                                                                       6 ECTS

Notes                                                             Wednesday 8:30 - 10:30                     Thursday 11:30 - 13:30                    S17 + S23 ( MRED Computer lab)



EDigital Logic Circuit

Type                                                            Time/Place and Instructor                                                          Credit Hours

LEC                                                             Dr.shilan                                                                                                            6 ECTS

Notes                                                             Sunday 11:00 -13:00                 Monday  10:30 -12:30       S17 + Basement (Robotic lab)       



Numerical Methods and Simulation

Type                                                            Time/Place and Instructor                                                          Credit Hours

LEC                                                             Dr. Mahfouz                                                                                                           6 ECTS

Notes                                                             Tuesday 8:30 - 10:30                    Thursday 8:30 - 10:30       S17      



Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics

Type                                                            Time/Place and Instructor                                                          Credit Hours

LEC                                                             Mr. Shahab                                                                                                         6 ECTS

Notes                                                             Tuesday 12:30 - 14:30                              Wednesday 10:30 - 12:30      S17