Soran University's Chemical Engineering Department was founded in 2013. Because this subject of engineering does not exist at other universities and higher education institutions in Iraqi Kurdistan, the department is unique in the region. The department now offers a Bachelor of Science [B.Sc.] in Chemical Engineering, which typically takes four years to complete.
The department strives to produce highly skilled and competent chemical engineers, which the Kurdistan area desperately requires for development. The department offers a study curriculum that is well-balanced between theoretical and laboratory- based practical courses. The student will be trained and undertake experiments in a variety of laboratories, including Unit Operation, Process Control, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Reactor, and separation processes. During their summer training, undergraduate students will gain experience in engineering practice and management in two or three jobs. Students will also acquire extra industrial work experience through a series of industry site visits during the academic year. As a result, the undergraduate study program at Soran University's chemical engineering department may provide the optimum combination of high- quality classroom teaching and practical experience.
At DCHE we strive that our graduates to attain:
The ability to apply knowledge of Mathematics that is fundamental to technical Chemical problems.
The ability to identify, formulate, and solve practical Chemical engineering problems.
The ability to design Chemical processes and systems, to meet desired needs.
The ability to conduct Chemical engineering experiments to study different Chemical engineering systems, as well as to use laboratory instruments and computers to analyse and interpret data.
The ability to function effectively within multidisciplinary teams.
The ability to work in a professional Chemical engineering environment, and to understand the role of the Chemical industry in meeting world energy needs and the associated economical considerations while preserving the environment.
The ability to communicate effectively in written, oral, and graphical forms, including the use of professional quality visual aids, all in the English language.
DCHE Mission:
The Chemical Engineering Department at Soran University has a mission statement that can be summarized as follows: preparing students for professional practice and graduate study through a program that provides a strong fundamental technical and high-quality undergraduate education, as well as providing the industry sector with well-trained chemical engineers who will contribute to the process industries in the Kurdistan Region and around the world. A key goal is to generate breakthrough science and technology via high-quality research in frontier areas of chemical engineering.
DCHE Vision:
The Chemical Engineering Department at Soran University aspires to gain national and international prominence for its research and student training in order to tackle industrial and societal challenges.
Program Educational Objectives:
After tracking for our graduates’ students, we can say the following:
Position: Our program's graduates will succeed in jobs with position such as plant
process engineer, design engineer, group leader, production engineer, research
engineer, sales engineer, and company owner.
Effective communication: Our program's graduates will seek out various viewpoints
be inclusive in their understanding of complex topics. They will also effectively
communicate and collaborate across disciplines, and they will show that they
consistently make informed decisions through processes that use critical and creative
thinking skills, reflective of ethical, safe, and societally responsive perspectives.
Professional career: Our program's graduates will promote, use, and apply
technologies in cross-sectional fields that are considered the frontiers of our profession,
such as (but not limited to) biologically relevant materials and processes, healthcare,
environmental and energy sectors, nano- and micro-systems, multi-scale analysis,
informatics, group dynamics, multi-media, and computationally driven processes. They
will do this with a mindset focused on assisting our society in solving complex problems.
Scientific certificate of high school
The language of instruction at the DCHE is English for all courses, except the Kurdistan Studies course, where the language of study is Kurdish.
In order to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering, a student must successfully complete the following program requirements:
Acquire general program and course-specific learning outcomes
Acquire optional course learning outcomes
Prepare and defend the Bachelor’s research paper