Engineering Laboratories

Fluid Mechanics Lab

A fluid mechanics laboratory is a specialized setting designed for studying the behavior of liquids and gases in motion. It features equipment such as flow meters, pumps, and tanks to conduct experiments and measurements related to fluid properties, including viscosity, density, and pressure. Researchers and engineers use this laboratory to investigate fluid flow phenomena, turbulence, and hydraulic systems. The data collected in fluid mechanics lab help design efficient pipeline and various machinery, ensuring safe and effective performance in chemical, petroleum and civil engineering.

Construction Materials Lab

A construction materials laboratory is a specialized facility equipped for testing and analyzing various materials used in construction projects. It typically features the tools to assess the quality, strength, durability, and safety of materials such as concrete, mortar, paste, aggregates and steel. This lab plays a crucial role in ensuring that construction materials meet industry standards and project specifications, helping to ensure the structural integrity, longevity and safety of buildings and infrastructure. Researchers and engineers conduct experiments and tests to provide accurate data and recommendations for researches & construction professionals.

Geo Technical Lab

A geotechnical laboratory is a specialized facility dedicated to studying soil and rock properties for engineering and construction purposes. It's equipped with tools and instruments for soil analysis, testing, and classification. Geotechnical engineers and researchers perform experiments to determine soil composition, strength, permeability, and other characteristics crucial for designing stable foundations, retaining walls, and other infrastructure. This laboratory plays an essential role in assessing the suitability of soil for construction projects, ensuring their safety and stability by providing valuable data for engineers and researchers to make informed decisions.

Fluid Flow Lab

Fluids are one of the major building blocks in the work, designing and optimizing engineering systems both while flowing and when stagnant. Fluid mechanics lab is one of the main laboratories in chemical engineering department, this manual includes explanation, procedure and calculations of the experiments done at Soran University-Chemical Engineering’s fluid mechanics lab, the experiments are: Volumetric flow rate, Reynolds Number, Lifting (Buoyant) force, Surface Tension, Bernoulli’s Theorem and Minor Loss in Pipes, and Centrifugal pumps in parallel and series.

Heat Transfer Lab

Is one of the most important laboratories in chemical engineering department at Soran university, in term of heat concepts, in this Lab basic experiment are performed about the process of transferring heat in different situation and mediums using certain apparatuses, the experiment and apparatuses: Heat transfer bench (forced convection) apparatuses, determining convective heat transfer coefficient in forced convection both experimentally and theoretically for internal flow. Composite wall apparatuses: Determining overall heat transfer coefficient to determine thermal resistance, thermal conductivity of composite wall material and pilot temperature gradient along composite wall structure. Heat transfer in drop and film wise condensation. Fluidization and fluid bed heat transfer: To investigate the behavior of a fluidized bed regarding its fluidization phenomena and its heat transfer properties.

Reservoir Engineering Lab

Reservoir Engineering Lab is an important laboratory in petroleum engineering department of  Soran University and oil and gas fields also. It is used for analyzing the behavior of underground  oil and gas reservoirs by doing some experiments to provide the physical, chemical and fluid  properties of hydrocarbon reservoirs, the data from these experiments are used for making  decisions about the lifecycle of an oil and gas reservoir from oil and gas exploration to the  production and depletion. The experiments of reservoir engineering lab are as following:

1. Core plugging Test: cylindrical cores are taken from core samples by using Core Plugging 

Machine, which is used for measuring porosity and permeability properties of the reservoir.

2. Porosity Test: measuring the porosity of a core plug by using Helium Porosimeter device, 

porosity is the ratio of pore volume to the bulk volume or the void spaces that can be 

occupied by oil, gas and water in reservoir.

3. Permeability Test: measuring the Permeability of a core plug by using Gas Permeameter

device, permeability is the ability of a reservoir rock to transmit oil, gas and water.

4. Contact Angle Measurement and Interfacial Tension Test: Contact Angle and IFT is 

measured by using Interfacial Tension and Contact Angle Measurement apparatus for 

measuring the interaction between solid surface such as (rocks) and fluids such as (oil, gas 

and water).

5. Core Flooding Test: the results of this test show that how much oil and gas can be produced 

by secondary recovery such as (water flooding) and tertiary recovery such as (surfactant 

and polymer flooding).

Drilling Fluid and Cementing Lab

Drilling fluid and cementing Lab is an important laboratory in petroleum engineering department  of Soran University and oil and gas fields especially in the drilling operation. In this lab, prepared  the drilling fluid (Mud) and measuring the properties of the drilling fluid such as the density of the  drilling fluid, mud weighting, mud dilution, plastic and apparent viscosity, gel strength, yield point,  fluid loss, mud thickness, sand content and PH of the drilling fluid. All experiments and equipment are explained in the table . 

Drilling fluid and cementing lab.

Chemistry Lab

A chemistry lab, also known as a laboratory for the study of chemistry, is a specialized space or  area furnished with various scientific tools, apparatus, and substances used for conducting  experiments, studies, and investigations in the area of chemistry. Students conduct experiments  and investigations to better understand the properties, behavior, and interactions of various  chemical substances.. All experiments are explained in the table.

Chemistry Lab 1