

Types of functions (trigonometric; inverse trigonometric functions, logarithmic functions, exponential functions, transcendental functions, other types of functions, graph of functions); Differentiation (explicit and implicit; application of derivatives in graphing); Integrals (integrals as a summation of areas; definite integrals, applications of definite integrals, areas and volumes; techniques of integration); determinants and matrices, conical section; Introduction to polar coordinates.

Type                             Time/Place and Instructor                                                    Credit Hours 

LEC                       Dr. Mahfoz   Ms. Shawnm                                                             ECTS 6

Notes                                Monday (G.A): 12:30 -14:30 F13                  (G.B)8:30 -10:30 F14                 (G.C):10:30 -12:30 F17   

                                              Wednesday (G.A): 8:30 -10:30 F14             (G.B):10:30 -12:30 F17            (G.C):10:30-12:30 F13


Engineering Chemistry

Analytical chemistry is a measurement science consisting of a set of powerful ideas and methods that are useful in all fields of science and medicine. Analytical chemistry deals with methods for the identification of one or more of the compounds in the sample of matter and the determination of the relative amount of each. For General objective the students will have information about some important basic concepts of analytical chemistry. For Specific objective the students should be having knowledge about main subjects in analytical chemistry. For example acid and bases, preparation of solutions…etc

Type                                      Time/Place and Instructor                                                  Credit Hours        

LEC                                        Mr.Ali + Mr.Rekar                                                                       ECTS 6

Notes                                  Sunday 09:00 -11:00              Practical Part 11:00 -14:00  S13 + LAB


Engineering Mathematics

This is an elementary-level course on mathematics in continuity with calculus course. In this course students get acquainted with some basic but useful subjects like vectors and matrices and after that they go through a little bit more sophisticated subjects like application of derivatives and Integrals which is essential for all the engineering students.

Type                                  Time/Place and Instructor                                                         Credit Hours        

LEC                                    Mr. Arif                                                                                                        ECTS 6

Notes                                Sunday 13:00-15:00 F14             Wednesday 12:30-14:30 S13


Critical Reading and Writing ,  Spring 2025 

This course will help First Year Engineering students to grow essential English vocabulary, communication and grammatical structures so that they can successfully make conversations and understand English well. Also, the participants will develop writing and listening skills that will enable them to apply those skills in different areas of life. The students will depend on some extra sources to make it more fun. The main focus will be on the learner’s four skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing: Skimming for main ideas and scan for details/key words, Developing reading speed, Building academic vocabulary, Summarizing and paraphrase information in a text, Separate facts from opinions, Writing a paragraph with a topic sentence, support, and concluding sentence, Understanding coherence and cohesion and using them in their writing.

Type                                      Time/Place and Instructor                                                   Credit Hours 

LEC                                                                                                                                                           ECTS 6

Notes                                  Monday (G.A):12:30 -14:30 F13                      (G.B)8:30 -10:30 F14                    (G.C):10:30-12:30 F17   

                                               Wednesday (G.A):10:30 -12:30 F14               (G.B):12:30-14:30 F17                 (G.C):8:30 -10:30 F13


General Physics

Type                                                Time/Place and Instructor                                                      Credit Hours                       

LEC                                                  Dr. Qadir                                                                                                 ECTS 6

Notes                                            Thursday 08:30 -11:30 S13


Academic Debate

This intensive course focuses on improving students’ communicative and academic study skills. The module is designed to first year university students as a systematic study of critical thinking skills. It is crucial to students for enhancing their own reasoning skills as those who are progressing to higher level of academic study. It aims at raising awareness of students to know how debates are made up in written and spoken language. Furthermore, this course will provide useful general information about scientific debate and it has linked to the key citations and forms.

Type                                                     Time/Place and Instructor                                                                          Credit Hours        

LEC                                                        Mr. Halmat      Ms. Shirin                                                                                    ECTS 6

Notes                                                    Monday (G.A) 10:30 - 12:30    F 13                           (G.B)12:30-14:30   F 14                            (G.C) 8:30 - 10:30  F17

                                                                 Wednesday (G.A) 8:30 - 10:30   F 14                       (G.B) 10:30-12:30   F17                            (G.A) 12:30 -14:30  F 13


Physical Geology

Type                                                Time/Place and Instructor                                                    Credit Hours 

LEC                                                  Dr.Ako + Ms.Gardun                                                                     ECTS 6

Notes                                             Tuesday 8:30-10:30 S13                  Practical 10:30 -13:30


Statics and Strength of Materials

The study of geologic structures has been of prime importance in petroleum engineering, Folded and faulted rock strata commonly form traps for the accumulation and concentration of fluids such as petroleum and natural gas. Faulted and structurally complex areas are notable as permeable zones for hydrothermal fluids and the resulting concentration areas for base and precious hydrocarbon accumulation

Type                                    Time/Place and Instructor                                                  Credit Hours        

LEC                                      Dr. Nzar                                                                                             ECTS 6

Notes                                 Sunday 09:00 -11:00  F15            Tuesday, 10:30 -12:30 F15


Numerical Methods

This is an advanced course on mathematics that uses all previous knowledge of students on mathematics and brings it up to the level of essential analytical skills so that students are able to deal with the analytical problems that arise in the engineering world. The use of numerical analysis and numerical methods in a form suitable for the solution of engineering problems is necessary. An engineer must be familiar with numerical methods to analyse problems numerically. Our aim is to prepare students how to deal with some problems they need during computing in engineering analysis. This module helps them to promote their accuracy and use advanced numerical methods in solving engineering problems by using MATLAB.

Type                                  Time/Place and Instructor                                                  Credit Hours        

LEC                                     M.Arif                                                                                                   ECTS 6

Notes                                Sunday 09:00 -11:00  F15            Tuesday, 10:30 -12:30 F15       Wednesday  08:30-10:30 S13


Reservoir Rock Properties

Type                                   Time/Place and Instructor                                                         Credit Hours        

LEC                                      Mr. Foad + Mr. Sherwan                                                                  ECTS 6

Notes                                 Thursday 08:30 -10:30         Tuesday Pract 12:30 -14:00       Thursday Pract 12:30 -14:00        F14 + LAB


Petroleum Geolog

The study of petroleum geology, throw some light on the origin of petroleum. Migration & accumulations inTraps. Also, different types & origin of these traps must be studied, the formation of the hydrocarbons are emphasized as to whether it comes from the organic or inorganic material in the" kitchen" or the "Source Rock". This is considered to be the back-bone of the Petroleum Science & Engineering. Teach the students on the aspects of oil formation, migration, as well as the "Traps". The different types of these Traps & hydrocarbon accumulation are elaborated in details. The types of rocks porosity & permeability are to explained in details.

Type                                   Time/Place and Instructor                                                  Credit Hours        

LEC                                     Dr. Namam +Ms. Gardun                                                           ECTS 6

Notes                                Monday  08:30 -10:30           Practical  10:30 -12:30        LAB +S13



After study the thermodynamic course student will have good sympathetic to use first, second and third law of thermodynamic to explain physics problem or any phenomena . Internal energy and enthalpy are introduced in connection with the first law, entropy with the second law, and the Helmholtz and Gibbs

functions in the chapter on thermodynamic relations. Many real world realistic examples have been included  in this course to assist the student in gaining an understanding of thermodynamics and develop more sophisticated mental models of chemical and physical change, grounded in the fundamentals of thermodynamics and have the ability to use simple physical systems as models for understanding more complex systems.

Type                                    Time/Place and Instructor                                                  Credit Hours        

LEC                                      Mr. Shahab                                                                                        ECTS 6

Notes                                 Wednesday 08:30 -10:30 S13     Thursday  10:30 -12:30 F14


Well Completion and Intervention

The upstream of the petroleum industry involves itself in the business of oil and gas exploration and production activities. While the exploration activities find oil and gas reserves, the production activities deliver oil and gas to the downstream of the industry (i.e., processing plants). The petroleum production is definitely the heart of the petroleum industry. Petroleum production engineering is that part of petroleum engineering that attempts to maximize oil and

gas production in a cost-effective manner. To achieve this objective, production engineers need to have a thorough understanding of the petroleum production systems with which they work. To perform their job correctly, production engineers should have solid background and sound knowledge about the properties of fluids they produce and working principles of all the major components of producing wells and surface facilities.

Type                                     Time/Place and Instructor                                                         Credit Hours        

LEC                                       Dr. Sarkar                                                                                                  ECTS 6

Notes                                   Monday  11:00 -14:00 F15


Drilling Fluid and Cementing

Introduction to drilling; classification of drilling operations; Properties and functions of drilling fluid; types and properties of clay in water; types of drilling fluids; drilling hazards dependent on mud control; drilling mud calculations, drilling methods (cable tool drilling, rotary drilling), basic component of rotary drilling equipment; drilling string and accessories; types of bits; casing of oil wells; functions of casing, types of casing, strings, parameters of casing design, selection of casing and bit types, design of string, graphical design of casing; cementing of oil wells, classification and properties of cements, classification of cementing operations, cementing equipment, methods and calculations of cementing; Hydraulics of primary cementing operations.

Type                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                                                                     Credit Hours        

LEC                                         Dr. Sarkar      Mr. Jamal                                                                                                ECTS 6

Notes                                     Tuesday 8:30 -10:30     Practical 10:30 -12:00   12:00 -13:30                  F14, LAB


Fundamental of Reservoir Engineering

Type                                    Time/Place and Instructor                                                                                  Credit Hours        

LEC                                      Ms. Fenk                                                                                                                             ECTS 6

Notes                                 Wednesday 09:00 -11:00   F15         Thursday 09:00 -11:00   S16


Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE)

The course deals with: Objectives for work with Health, Safety and Environment (HSE). Regulations and guidelines concerning HSE-work, Systematic HSE work, Reporting of HSE problems and discrepancies, Risk Assessment, HSE responsibilities, roles and resources worldwide generally and Kurdistan Region inclusively, Emergency preparedness: what are you going to do and who to notify when something happens, Fire protection-theory and practical exercises using fire extinguishing equipment, First aid-theory and practical exercises in heart-lung resuscitation and the use of heart starter. The course does not provide specific training in HSE aimed at various laboratory fields and activities. This training is done by the individual departments and is a little bit different for any work environment depends on it’s own regulations.

Type                                         Time/Place and Instructor                                                         Credit Hours        

LEC                                           Mr.Foad                                                                                                      ECTS 6

Notes                                      Sunday  09:00-11:00  F14


Petroleum Refinery

This course is intended to provide chemical and petroleum engineering students with a background in petroleum refining processes including separation, production, catalytic chemical processes as well as treatment processes for removing contaminants from crude oil and products. Manufacturing processes

carried out in petroleum refineries including manufacturing of synthetic fuels, lubricating oils and some chemicals and plastics are also demonstrated. The objectives of all the refining processes s are highlighted by studying the process variables supported by the corresponding schematic flow diagrams.

Type                                       Time/Place and Instructor                                                                                  Credit Hours        

LEC                                          Mr. Ali                                                                                                                                  ECTS 6

Notes                                     Monday 09:00 -11:00     Sunday 13:00 -15:00      F1


Reservoir Simulation

Interpolation,(Linear; Lagrange); Matrices, Review of matrix properties, Determinants, inverse of matrix; Solution of system of linear equations (Gaussian elimination, Gauss Jordan method, Jacobi method, Gauss Seidel method); Least square method (Linear equations; Polynomial equations); Reservoir simulation (Introduction, types of simulators); Flow through Porous Media (derivation of single-phase, onedimensional flow equation, Two and three-dimensional flow equation); Finite Difference Method (Taylor series; Forward difference; Backward difference; Central difference; Concepts of explicit and implicit methods); Solution of system of difference equations (tridiagonal algorithm); Use of Irregular Gridding: Transmissibility; The finite difference form of the flow equation in terms of Transmissibility; Averaging of rock and fluid properties; Solution of radial form of the flow equation; Two dimensional flow, setting up the finite difference form; Ordering schemes; Standard row ordering; Standard column ordering; Resulting matrix structure; Introduction to multi-phase flow through porous media.

Type                                          Time/Place and Instructor                                                                        Credit Hours        

LEC                                            Dr. Sarkar   Ms. Fenk                                                                                          ECTS 6

Notes                                       Wednesday 8:30 -10:30     Practical Monday 08:30 -11:30           S16


Capstone project

Students as groups (of 3 or 4) are requested to carry out a study on one of the problems related to petroleum and Mining engineering under the supervision of one of the staff members. Each group must submit a report before the end of the second term. The students must give a presentation of their work to an interview committee of staff members.

Type                                         Time/Place and Instructor                                                                                             Credit Hours        

LEC                                           All Lecturers                                                                                                                                 ECTS 6

Notes                                       Sunday  08:30 -10:30       10:30 -12:30           Meeting room


Well Testing

This course starts with introducing the purpose of well testing and the basic methodology. The theory and fundamental equations, as well as various understanding analytical solutions are covered before introducing specific analysis techniques for homogeneous oil and gas reservoirs. Non-homogeneous situations and more advanced topics are also covered. Assumptions made in deriving equations and solutions and models used in

test interpretation are stressed. Operational aspects are covered in terms of test design and use of specialised testing equipment. The course covers well test objectives and concepts; fluid flow equations and fundamental solutions; classical methods for drawdown and build-up analysis, bounded reservoirs, gas well testing, dual-porosity, hydraulic fractures, interference and pulse testing, test design. Overview of practical methods, some field examples and browsing the commercial software will introduce students into practice of well testing and pressure transient analysis

Type                                         Time/Place and Instructor                                                                                             Credit Hours        

LEC                                           Dr. Abbas     Mr.Sherwan                                                                                                          ECTS 6

Notes                                      Thursday 08:30 -10:30      Practical Tuesday 10:00 -11:30            Monday 12:00 -13:30)           F15


Enhanced Oil Recovery

To enable the students to understand the basics of oil recovery methods in oil & gas Industry. The subject is enhanced oil recovery (EOR) used to improve recovery beyond that expected by pressure depletion. Water injection, hydrocarbon (HC) gas injection, and combined water/gas injection (WAG) are the most common EOR methods used in the industry today. Other EOR methods (typically more expensive and technically more complicated) covered are non- hydrocarbon (CO2 and N2) injection, compositional effects e.g vaporization, and developed miscibility, both in conventional reservoirs and naturally fractured reservoirs. The course will primarily consider reservoir aspects of EOR methods using HC gas and water injection. Key parameters include microscopic (pore-level) recovery, areal and vertical sweep efficiency. Variations in reservoir rock i.e. heterogeneities and fluid property variations with depth can have a strong influence on the success of EOR methods. Therefore we will concentrate on accurate geologic and fluid description and its influence on recovery.

Type                                                 Time/Place and Instructor                                                            Credit Hours        

LEC                                                    Dr. Abbas                                                                                                        ECTS 6

Notes                                             Thursday 10:30-12:30 S16          Wednesday 12:00 -14:00  F15


Field Development and Management

Type                                                 Time/Place and Instructor                                                            Credit Hours        

LEC                                                   Dr.Namam                                                                                                       ECTS 6

Notes                                              Tuesday 12:00 -15:00            F14