Meet The Admin Staff

The FENG administrative body is independent of the faculty or academics and is responsible for the institution's maintenance and oversight, but some people may have joint responsibilities. Almost all academic institutions have some kind of separate administrative organisation. Fewer institutions are controlled by individuals who are also engaged in academic or intellectual activities. FENG's specialised administrative team is the front line of day-to-day life at FENG, ensuring that everyone's inquiries are handled properly. Please explore who is who at FENG administration offices and contact them personally if you have any queries.

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Halmat Ismael Saeed

Mr Halmat Ismael Saeed (B.A., M.A) is an assistant lecturer, and has been a lecturer at FOENG since 2018    Department of Chemical Engineering  (DCHE) and the head of dean's office, he received his Ba in Law in 2008  from Salahaddin University (SU)-Erbil. He took a preparatory course in the Russian language at Moscow Aviation Institute  and after 8 months, after completing the preparatory course, he entered the PEOPLE'S FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY OF RUSSIA and he received Master of Arts in Law from PEOPLE'S FRIENDSHIP UNIVERSITY OF RUSSIA , in Moscow, Russian Federation, 2012.

Zahra Hasan Tatto

Miss Zahra Hasan Tatto is a dynamic and experienced FENG employee. She has six years of experience working in media and digital processing. She is mostly in charge of writing, editing, and publishing the FENG news. Not only that, but she is the FENG's eye, documenting events and activities at Soran University's (SUN) FENG with her camera at the same time she is head of IT and Statistics units. You may rech her at:

Ziba Zbeir Ibrahim

Miss Ziba Zber Ibrahim earned a bachelor's degree in mathematics from Soran University's Faculty of Science (FSCN). At 2019, she began working in the resources section at Soran University's Faculty of Engineering. The administration of resources carries out all salary related matters for FENG's instructors and employees. in the present time she is ahead of accounting unit, she can be reached at;

Jotyar Rashed Qader

Mr. Jotyar Rashed Qader, an employee of the FENG accounting unit, has been working since 2009 and holds a twelfth grade certificate. He has previously worked as an employee of the Education Faculty. He mostly works outside the faculty as he runs accounting work between the presidency , treasury and the bank .

Farhang Najat Mala

Mr Farhang Najat Mala is the head of FENG's accounting office. His office is in charge of all financial issues at FENG. Mr Mala graduated from SUN with a bachelor's degree in mathematics. He is a lively and helpful colleague. If you have any concerns or queries about accounting or your compensation, in the present time he is head of  auditing and monitoring please contact Mr Mala at;

Ardawan Fathi Shekho

Mr Ardawan Fathi Shekho, a graduate of Salahaddin University's College of Administration and Economics, worked as The Erbil Post's General Directorate in 2005. He has experience in accounting, statistics, human resources, and other areas. He is now the FENG's director of human resources. You may reach him with your HR questions at;

Rabar Shekha Abdullah

Mr Rabar Shekha Abdullah is an assistant researcher with a Bachelor's degree in Kurdish. He is interested in administration and finance and plays an important role in the Faculty. He is also a model of good behaviour and strong achievement. With his effective experience and managerial skills, and is now accountable for both units of planning and inventory.  Contact him at;

Shawnm Taha Shex Amer

Miss Shawnm Taha Shexamer is a mathematics graduate of the Faculty of Science. She worked at FENG and DCHE at SUN.  She works in the department of chemical engineering (DCHE). Not only that, but she is currently an Assistant Lecturer in Mathematics, Calculus, Engineering Mathematics, Differential Equations, and Engineering Analysis, She began working in the resources section at Soran University's Faculty of Engineering

Shireen Mansour Awad

Miss Shireen Mansour Awad Al-Majmaie is a Petroleum Engineering Department assistant lecturer (DPTE). She specialises in Wireless Communication and Communication Systems and holds certificates in IT Essentials, PC Hardware and Software, CISCO Networking Academy, and ICT Academy. Wireless Communications, Image Processing, Communication Systems, Electronics, and Computer Science are among her research interests. She is a Director of the QA Unit at FENG.

Neegar Fathulla Hassan

Miss Neegar Fathulla Hassan is an organisational Post graduation officer unit. She holds a bachelor's degree in mathematics and now pursuing a bachelor's degree in English language. She has worked in office at presidency of soran university and QA at FENG, She is now working with post graduation unit at FENG and provide information and directions when needed. Similarly, she is interested in excellent communication with people, supporting others to progress, she can be reached at;

Karwan Majeed Tamer

Mr Karwan Majeed Tamar is a CDC manager, competent English assistant translator. In 2013, he obtained his BA from the Arts Faculty. Over the last eight years, he has had a variety of tasks and obligations. He is enthusiastic in learning new languages and cultures. Karwan is presently the chairman of the Library Unit, where he is in charge of gathering, arranging, and distributing library materials such as books, papers, and research. You may reach him at;

Ali Mohammed Salih

Mr Ali Mohammed Salih has been the maintenance operations manager at FENG since 2013 and has 7 years of experience in the private sector. He is in responsibility of ensuring that day-to-day maintenance and repair are delivered in a timely and effective manner. Please contact him using the following information:

Zryan Hassan Saeed

Mr Zryan Hassan Saeed is FENG's Student counselling Manager. He has been a manager since 2016. He is in charge of organising all sporting activities, such as football, tennis, and chess instruction, so that students may participate in physical activities and tournaments alongside their academic endeavours. If you have any sports-related questions, please contact Mr Saeed at;

Avin M. Saleh

Ms. Avin M. Saleh is serving as a Research Assistant at the Higher Education unit. She obtained B. Sc. degree in economics in 2015 at Salahaddin University. Following that, she worked at the  personnel unit,  Continuing education unit and human resources unit at faculty of Engineering. She earned her M. Sc. degree in economics in 2023 at Salahaddin University during her academic journey.  she can be reached at;

Shadia Mustafa Malkho

Miss Shadia Mustafa Malkho is the head of FENG auditing unit. She graduated from the Faculty of Education at SUN with a bachelor's degree in general science and has been employed since 2017. She formerly led the statistics and planning. Currently, auditing and monitoring all accounting activities at FENG, in the present time she is working at the presedency  She may be reached at;

Zaytun Muhammad Hassan

Mrs Zaytun Muhammad Hassan is the secretary of the office of Dean of Faculty of Engineering (FENG). She is graduated from the Arabic Language (DABR) of the Arts Faculty at Soran University (SUN). She is presently employed at SUN, where she has served as faculty's office director at FENG and in Human Resources officer. Furthermore, she can be reached at;

Fenk A. Sulaiman

Ms. Fenk A. Sulaiman is serving as an Assistant Engineer and Lab Assistant at the Petroleum and Mining Engineering department. She obtained B.Sc. degree in Petroleum Engineering in 2017 at Soran University. Following that, she worked as a Lab Assistant for two years at the Petroleum Engineering department. She earned her M.Sc. degree in Petroleum Engineering in 2023 at Soran University. During her academic journey, she got internships with several notable natural gas and oil companies, including Dana Gas, Crescent Petroleum, Hunt Oil, and Gulf Keystone. Fenk's research interests include Production Engineering and Process Engineering. She may be reached at;

Hassan Shahab Mohammed

Mr Hasan Shahab Mohammed works as a Civil Engineering Laboratory assistant in the Department of Civil Engineering (DCVE) at FENG. In 2016, he received his B.Sc. degree from Koya University, and in 2019, he worked as a site engineer at Karsaz Company in Soran for road maintenance and paving. That same year, he was hired permanently at SUN/FENG department of civil engineering. You may reach him at;

Sherzad Salim Qadir

Mr  Sherzad Salim Qadir is the administrative officer of DCVE. He graduated from Soran University's Faculty of Education, Department of Kurdish, with a bachelor's degree in 2022. He then began working at FENG/DCVE with administrative responsibilities. He may be reached at;

Mohammed A. Murad

Mr Mohammed Abdulkhaleq works as a Laboratory Assistant in the Department of Civil Engineering. In 2017, he earned a B.Sc. in Dams and Water Resources from Salahaddin University in Erbil. As an engineering lab technician, he works to resolve issues and solve problems, as well as provide directions to researchers and students that use the lab. You may contact him at;

Ari Harbi Rafiq

Mr Ari Harbi Rafiq (B.Sc., M.Sc.) is a full-time Academic and Administrative team member at Civil Engineering Department of Soran University. He received his B.Sc. in civil engineering as well as an M.Sc. in structural engineering from Soran University (SUN). Additionally, he is an adjunct lecturer in the Civil Engineering CENG/Department at Soran University SUN. In the same time he is a cordinator at the Civil and Enviromental Engineering  department, you can contact him at;

Rekar Najat Ahmad

Mr. Rekar Najat Ahmad works in administration at the Department of Petroleum Engineering (DPET). He studied chemistry (Nanotechnology). He has worked as an assistant lecturer at DPET. Likewise, he also worked as a medical laboratory technician at Ashti Hospital and the Rozh Center in Soran for two years. You may reach him at:

Farhang Manaf Miran

Mr Farhang Manaf Miran works in administration at the Department of Petroleum and Mining  Engineering (DPME) he graduated from Soran university in Faculty of Education, Department of Mathematics from 2016 to 2017. And was employed in 2022. He worked in  Presidency of Soran University for two years, he was a teacher in Balakian school and in Zagros Institute For four years. Currently, auditing and monitoring all accounting activities at FENG he may be reached at;

Ari Harbi Rafiq

Mr Ari Harbi Rafiq (B.Sc., M.Sc.) is a full-time Academic and Administrative team member at Civil Engineering Department of Soran University. He received his B.Sc. in civil engineering as well as an M.Sc. in structural engineering from Soran University (SUN). Additionally, he is an adjunct lecturer in the Civil Engineering CENG/Department at Soran University SUN. In the same time he is a cordinator at the Civil and Enviromental Engineering  department, you can contact him at;